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The Consumer-Rankings Blog

Web Hosting

What is an Apache Server? Named after a fierce and proud Native American tribe, the Apache HTTP Server (simply known as “Apache”) is the world’s most popular web server software. There are some who believe…

Online Dating

Is Tinder Destroying True Love? With every new dating trend comes a host of critics who claim that it is somehow “destroying love” and “ruining modern romance.” The latest dating trend on the chopping block:…

Web Hosting

How Important is Scalability? Most  modern thinkers would agree that businesses without a strong online presence make it harder to succeed in today’s world of competition. Apart from the old ways of catering to walk-in…

Online Dating

The 5 Rules of Video Chatting So, you’ve exchanged numerous messages back and forth with your online love interest and now you’ve decided to graduate to live video chatting. However, before you turn on that webcam,…

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