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Stick Vacuums: A Review of the Most Popular Models

Stick VacuumsIf you are tired of lugging around your heavy vacuum all over the house and tired of seeing your closet all cramped because of the size of the vacuum, then you should consider buying a stick vacuum. A stick vacuum is a fairly new technology. It’s a smaller and lighter version of a full size upright vacuum. It is great for area rugs and reaching dirt that is underneath furniture as well as vacuuming floors. You won’t have to bend over when using the stick vacuum. Stick vacs are available in corded and cordless models. A cordless model is better for short cleaning times as they have about a 30 minute battery life. Either way, the most important feature of a stick vacuum is how much it weighs. Most consumers consider switching to a stick vacuum because of the excessive weights of their full size vacuums. The stick vacs run from about 4 pounds to 11 pounds. Read below to see a review of 4 of the most reputable stick vacuums and their weights.

Bissell Feather Weight 3106
This stick vacuum is the cheapest one on the market. It will run you about $20 and is extremely lightweight. Total weight is 5 pounds. It’s great for floors and pet hair but not so great for vacuuming large carpeted areas. The Bissell Feather Stick Vacuum also detaches to become a handheld device for cleaning in between couches and curtains.

Hoover Flair Bagless S2220
This particular stick vac is 9 pounds so it is much heavier to lug around and it comes with a cord. However, it is great for vacuuming both floors and carpets. This product is best for replacing an actual upright full size vacuum because it does the same quality job as some full size vacuums. It also does not come with any bags so there is less mess to clean.

Hoover Platinum Cordless BH50010
The Hoover is best known for its suction ability. It is very high powered and comes equipped
with a motorized brush to pull up hard dirt in carpeting. It has a great battery life of about
30minutes. The weight is an issue amongst consumers; it runs about 9 pounds and therefore is not as easy to carry around. It is also pricier than the other stick vacuums we reviewed. The average retail price for this item is about $140.

Eureka Cordless 96F
This product wins overall rating for ease of use, weight, features and price. First of all, there is only one button on the entire machine; (ON/OFF) so it’s extremely easy to use. Secondly, its weight is only 4 pounds which makes it very convenient to carry all over the house or apartment. It cleans very well on both carpets and floors picking up large debris, pet hair and dust on upholstery. It’s also very affordable at around $40.

If you are looking to replace your upright full sized vacuum for a stick vacuum, make sure to consider ease of use, battery life and price before purchasing. Most importantly, make sure you give weight to how heavy each product is. You don’t want to be stuck with another heavy and bulky appliance in your home. Happy Cleaning.


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