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The Social Media Influence on Web Design

Pinterest Web DesignAs you choose which web designer to use to design your new site, you may automatically model yourself after the websites that you’re most familiar with. Most sites use some sort of hierarchy on content: Either a menu broken down into topics and subtopics or a list organized chronologically (think Facebook or twitter) or by relevance (like a search results page). But starting with Pinterest, a new social media site, that is slowly changing.

Pinterest lets users create a bulletin-board-style screen, with blocks of content arranged in a grid across the page. Underneath each image is space to “like,” “repin” or comment and users can rearrange the pictures across the space of the board. This allows users to compare images side by side and get feedback on them. It works more like a museum, allowing viewers to browse the board for what they find interesting, rather than checking back over time until the most recent post is the one to catch their attention.

According to Mashable, this layout is becoming a popular trend. More and more sites are beginning to use it and not only for social media sharing. It’s a great way to display products and ideas, especially when you are trying to catch the attention of new users who may be browsing for the first time, rather than looking for specific information that they already know is there. Designers say that requests to “make it look like Pinterest” are becoming common.

Of course, don’t let yourself be limited by trends in web design and make sure that your site presents your content in the way that matches it best. However, don’t forget to get some inspiration. If it’s not Pinterest, it may be somewhere else. After you’ve done that and gotten an idea of how you site will best express what you want it to, you’ll have some guidelines for choosing the web design program that’s right for you. Then it’s the time to check out some web design reviews, pick one, and get started!


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