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Top 5 Baby Strollers of 2011

Top 5 Baby Strollers of 2011This may burst you bubble, but there is no such thing as the”perfect” double stroller. No question they are bulkier and wider than a single stroller, but for those parents who have twins or 2 children who require a stroller, there is no choice but to purchase a double.

First, you need to decide what’s most important to you. Does your baby need a cup/snack holder? Do you need a cup/bottle holder? Is the size of the storage basket important to you? Do you want the option to place the car seats in the stroller? A look below will give you an in depth review of 5 different double strollers and their features.

The Combi Sport Twin Stroller is both lightweight and easy to fold (including non mechanical people as well). Remember, at a certain point your children can weigh as much as 80 pounds in the stroller, so having a lightweight stroller is something to consider. It reclines fully for an infant and has removable material for machine washing. It also has a tray for each child, which can hold their snacks, cups or bottles. This is good if you take long walks or go to the park with your kids. The thing is the basket is very small. If you have a full diaper bag it won’t fit under there and you will end up having to drape it over the side of the stroller. I’ve seen parents do this and then when they take their children out of the stroller the whole thing tips over. Also, this may not be the stroller for you if you rely on your stroller basket for your shopping. The Combi can’t fit more than 2 small plastic shopping bags underneath. Another thing to consider is what types of terrain you will be walking on with your stroller. If it is rough terrain or grass the Combi can be very difficult to push. Lastly, allot of parents with newborns prefer using the car seat in the stroller so the kids can be front facing. With the Combi Twin Sport only the “Combi 33” car seat fits into this stroller. So if you have a different brand like a Graco or an EvenFlow you may want to reconsider this option.

The next double stoller is the Graco Quattro Tour Duo. This is a heavy stroller. If you like a heavy sturdy feel, than this is the stroller for you. However if you will need to lift this into the trunk of a car you may need to think again about this product. The Graco also has tandem seating (one seat in front of the other) as opposed to side by side seating. If you have children of different ages, this can be a good option. The Graco also has plenty of storage space. The large basket allows you to store your diaper bag, purse and/or groceries. Like I mentioned above, if you will be walking over rough terrain this stroller is also hard to push although the wheels are sturdier than the Combi. Also, due to the tandem seating you may feel that the front seat is too far away for your comfort but on the other hand, the front seat is also slightly elevated for better visibility.
The Jeep Wrangler Twin All Weather Stroller is a lightweight and inexpensive stroller. Those are the two main pros of this double. The seats also recline to support an infant or a sleeping toddler. The thing is this stroller has a significantly lower weight limit (70lbs as opposed to the others who have 90 or 120lbs). There is also no way to fit a car seat into the stroller and the material does not come out for washing. Additionally, there is no tray for the child, cup holder for the parent and no wheel suspension. All these missing features are why the price of this stroller is much more affordable (it’s about 100 dollars less than the other ones). It does seem like a durable stroller though for outings, park runs or grocery shopping. If this is how you mainly spend your time with the stroller this will be a suitable option for you.

Phil&Teds Explorer is a pricey stroller. It comes as a single stroller with ample storage space and a fully reclining seat for an infant. You can purchase the ‘double kit’ which allows you to attach a second seat either above or below the first seat. This is great for parents who anticipate needing a double stroller and who don’t want to add any additional length their single. This stroller is not ideal for newborn twins since the second seat does not recline fully and therefore cannot support a newborn that has no neck control. Phil &Teds also comes with a cup holder for one seat and for the parent and is very durable on rough terrain. It may be a good investment if you are having your fist child and plan on having the second one soon thereafter.

As the name suggests, the Baby Jogger City Series Double Stroller is made for those that live an urban lifestyle. It has a one hand fold for easy collapsing and storage and swivel wheels for long distance walking. Its swivel wheels allows for easy maneuvering through smooth and grassy surfaces. It also has a large storage basket and a full sun canopy for those sunny summer days. Additionally, it allows a 100lb weight limit so it can be good for at least 5 years. The thing is, the stroller is very pricey due to its durability but does not come with any cup holders or child bars. These are all accessories which you can purchase to come with the stroller but it’s an additional expense to consider. The extras can range from $35-70 dollars each. If you are on a tight budget this may not be the stroller for you.

Choosing the right double stroller depends on the type of lifestyle you live, your budget and your desire for certain features. Some of your pros of a stroller can be someone else’s cons. So read up, decide which one best suits your needs and make a smart choice!


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